
You are about to join the S.S.F.F.F.I.!

After pressing “Add to cart”, you will be directed to another page where you will have to click on “Proceed to checkout”. You will be taken to another page where you will have to fill in your personal data and create a password in “Create account password”. It is important that you remember it, because with the email you write in your data and the password you will be able to enter the platform and you will receive the access link by email. In this last page you will be able to make the payment.

At the moment you make the payment you should receive two emails (see also spam folder), one with the purchase confirmation and the other with the link to access the course, with your username and password that you will create as mentioned in the previous paragraph.

It consists of 6 modules:

  • Method 1: Concepts and equipment for level line and dry fishing.
  • Method 2: Casting and drifts in level line fishing.
  • Method 3: Dry fly, casts and drifts.
  • Method 4: Dry dropper with level line, dry dropper with dry fly line, fishing tactics.
  • Method 5: Entomology applied to fishing.
  • Method 6: Streamer fishing in lake and river

In addition:

  • Access to the study platform for 12 months.
  • You will have a 15 day trial period, if you are not satisfied we will refund the full amount.
  • Email support for 12 months, in case you have any questions about the platform.
  • Special offers on special events that we organize at the school, such as fishing trips to León, international fishing trips and classroom courses.
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Before being able to access this VIP Masterclass, leave us your Email so that we can send you the access:

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